Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A lot has happened since our post last month!  Let's see if I can recap the happenings...
Brad and I flew to PA where we got to spend time with our parents and work on some wedding things.  We took care of some the major things, while also spending time on some of the minor details.  I think we're in good shape heading into the last five months before the wedding.

After my trip to PA, my two best friends, Katie and Sarah flew into SLC to celebrate my bacheloretteness for a weekend.  It was a fun filled weekend and Katie and Sarah were extremely thoughtful in planning festivities.  Not only did we enjoy each other's company just by having a girls weekend, but they took me out for high tea at the Grand Hotel and planned a fly fishing float trip on the lower Provo River!  We were quite successful as fisherwomen - as we all were able to catch some trout!  We celebrated the super moon and ate at some of SLC's staple restaurants.  I'm glad to be moving to the southwest, so I'm not too far away from these amazing friends!
**Kindness to Brad for heading out of town for a camping/fishing trip of his own, so I could host a girls weekend at our house.**
The main course of our "high tea."

Sunset on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. 

Hiking to get a view of the Super Moon!

It was hard to capture a good photo of the moon, but it was definitely bright and large!
The next week, I signed up to take a beginner fly fishing class.  I had two night classes and then we had a Saturday morning class on the middle Provo River.  The class was informative (although a little overwhelming with how much information was given to me) and I gained some skills from it.  I didn't catch anything during my last class, but practiced my casting (a lot!).  After my fishing class ended, Brad and I headed to the airport for a (really) quick trip to Albuquerque.  During the week, we had come across one house in particular and a few other ones that would potentially be ideal for renting.  They were all listed under the same property management company which had informed us there was some traffic surrounding the house we were interested in.  Basically, we knew we had to get down there to check it out and fortunately, we got there in time to rent it.  The house is located in Corrales, a rural community about 20 minutes outside of Albuquerque.  Our house is on one acre of land and is not far from the Rio Grande River which is especially important to us, since there will be more greenery in the area.  There are trails up along the river which will be perfect for running and the whole community is based around horses and farming.  There is a wonderful farmer's markers on the weekends as well as specific horse parking areas so you can ride into town for a beer or dinner.  We won't be housing horses on our property, but we will hopefully have chickens (since there is a very cool chicken coop already installed) and we put down a deposit with a Labrador breeder.  Brad and I are both so excited to live in Corrales and start this next phase of our life together.  We will have two extra bedrooms for hosting guests AND a hot tub, so if that doesn't entice you to come visit us, then hopefully these pictures of our home below will!

A view of the sunrise from our yard.

Our cozy living room.



Hot air balloons are always around in ABQ, but we will have great views of the festival in October!

A view of the Sandia Mountains from the Rio Grande.

After we got our housing situation squared away, we planned a weekend trip down to Southern Utah.  We headed down to Capitol Reef National Park on Friday night and made it to our campsite right before the sunset.  Our ride down was definitely memorable.  There were several rain storms across the landscape, so we kept seeing rainbows everywhere.  Some of them were really vivid!  Unfortunately, I couldn't capture any really good photos of the rainbows with my iPhone, but you can still see them.  We even saw a double rainbow! We had amazing picturesque views of the Cathedral Valley as the sun went down and despite the wind and cold it was a great campsite.  Even though we were essentially in the desert, our campsite was at 7200+ feet, so there was actually still snow in some areas!  On Saturday, we drove down into the Cathedral Valley on a rocky, dirt road (good thing Brad has a Jeep) and checked out the main part of the park.  We went on an awesome hike that had a great view of a gorge and then had lunch next to the Fremont River.  After lunch, we left the park to go to Fish Lake National Forest to fish on the Fremont.  Brad seemed to catch a fish every time his fly hit the water.  Me, on the other hand, struggled a bit.  I did have several strikes, so I think my casting has improved, but I was not able to hook a fish (**disclaimer: we're fishing on barbless hooks which makes fly fishing that much harder).

Cool rain clouds in the distance and a rainbow to the left.

Another pretty rainbow.

Cathedral Valley at Sunset.

Sunset again.  This view is from our campsite.

This campsite is hard to get to, but totally worth it.

Sunrise! (Brad and I are early risers)

To our left is the Temple of the Moon and behind us is the Temple of the Sun.

Another shot of the Temple of the Sun.

Brad tries to wear colors that blend into the environment when we hike.

View of the gorge from the top of our hike.

The swath of green is provided by the Fremont River.

Another view from our hike.

View of the red rock from our lunch spot.
So, that is basically our last month.  The weather is getting really warm here and the outdoor pool is open which is awesome.  Hopefully, we'll be able to fit in some more fishing adventures and camping trips before we leave Utah.  In the next few weeks, Brad and I will be organizing our moves.  We have a storage unit in Providence, items at our parent's houses and stuff in SLC.  When this move is over, it will be nice to have everything in one place!  Brad will wrap up his fellowship at the end of July and then we'll spend a few weeks on the East Coast with friends and family.  We'll keep you posted with more updates soon!